There are many things to consider before children return back to school. There are many things we cannot control about returning to school and then there are some things we can. Here are a few strategies to keep in mind. These are helpful for students and TEACHERS. When both sides take care of themselves, it benefits everyone!
Here are a few things to consider before the beginning of school year 2019/2020:
Sleep, sleep and sleep some more: It’s important to get enough sleep before and after school begins. This is important and needed.
Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast: Eating a healthy breakfast is vital to have the nutritional value you need to be ready to learn.
Always give your best: not giving your best is not being your best.
Develop good work habits: always complete ALL your assignments, ask questions of your teacher and turn in your homework on time.
Ask Questions: this is something that you need to do and something your teacher wants you do.
LOL, yes Laugh Out Loud: having a sense of humor is vital because it will come in handy at the beginning, middle and end of the school year.
Going back to school can be fun or difficult…we can determine the outcome based on the strategies we choose to use.
Give one of these strategies a try!